Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1819, in Dorchester Country, Maryland. Both of her parent was already a slave when she was born, she had harsh condition even as a child. Most of her childhood she lived with her grandmother who was to old for slave labor.
When she turned six she was old enough to work, Edward Brodas her master lent her a couple put her to work weaving, they gave her a duty of checking muskrat traps. Harriet Tubman was taken in by a women as a house keeper and baby-sitter. When Harriet turned 11 she wore a bright cotton bandanna showing that she was no longer a child. In 1844 at the age 25 she married John Tubman a free African American, he did not share her dream knowing she was a slave she knew there can be a chance that she could be sold and her marriage will split apart. She wanted to travel north there she will be free and would not have to worry about nothing. In 1849 she left her husband and escape to Philadelphia in the same year 1849.
Harriet was on her path to freedom she was put in a wagon covered with sacks on top of her a driven to her next destination. People helped her cross the Mason-Dixon Line, then she hitched a ride with a women and her husband. Harriet got a Job where she saved her pay to help free slaves. In 1850 Harriet helped her first escape slave to the North, she had send a message to her sister's oldest son that said for her sister and family to board a fishing boat in Cambridge, this boat would sail up the Chesapeake Bay where they would meet her. Harriet lead them to safe house to each safe house in Pennsylvania which was a free state.
In 1850 Harriet Tubman was made a official Conductor of the Underground Railroad, she knew all the Routes to the free territory and she made a second trip to the south to rescue her brother James and other friends to the north. When the Fugitive Slave act was past on they had to make things more secretly, she made codes and instead of the taking the slaves to the North of the U.S. they took them to Canada.
All of her trips where cold and long but nothing stoped her, in 1869 she had gotten remarried to Nelson Davis she had a peacefully 19 year of marriage till he past away. In March 10, 1913 Harriet Tubman past away and left a great memories to all, the strength that she had to help slaves and her courage.

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