Friday, November 12, 2010

Education For Black Children

Early in the 19th century there was no school in the southern States of America admitted black children to public school. Some teachers did secret night teaching for black children such as John Chavis in Rayleigh, North Carolina.  Teachers who was found teaching black children would of run out of town. Margaret Douglass got caught teaching black children in Norfolk, Virginia, was convicted and went to jail.

In the North they open the first American free school in New york City in 1787. When prudence Crandall a Quaker open a school for black girls in Canterbury, Connecticut  local white people were attempting to burn the school down. People were preventing from the school to get any type of supplies.

In 1834 Connecticut passed a law making it illegal to provide education for black student. When prudence Crandall didn’t go by the law she was arrested and imprisoned. She was taken to court and won the her case, when the word hit in Canterbury about her winning her case a white mob attack and threatened Crandall and her student she had no other choice but to close down her school for the safety of her students.

In 1849 Charles summer helped Sarah C. Roberts to sue the city of Boston for refusing to provide education to black children. They lost the case sadly! But in 1855 Massachusetts a law fallowed and its policy

"no person be excluded from a Public School on account of race, color, or prejudice."

Source and Picture : - Spartacus Education

1 comment:

  1. you did a great job on your posts!!! really outstanding!!!!! nice!!!
