Sunday, November 14, 2010

Underground Railroad

The underground Railroad was a system which helped slaves from the south escape to the North. The Underground railroad started in 1787 when isacc T, Hopper, a Quaker began to organize a system for hiding and aiding fugitive slaves. Opponents of slavery allowed their homes called station stop in places and they were provided food, shelter and money. The routes went through 12 Northern States and Canada. It was estimated that by 1850 there was around 3,000 people that worked on the Underground Railroad to escape slaves and provide them with freedom.
There was also people known as conductors who went to the south and helped guide slaves to safety. One former slave who lead the Underground railroad was Harriet Tubman. she made about 19 secret trip to the south and lead 300 slaves to freedom. Harriet Tubman was a threat to all the plantation owner they will offer $40,000 reward to capture her.
The station was about twenty miles apart. Slaves hide in he day time and travel in the night time. In the 19th century there was about 50,000 slaves had escaped from the south using the underground railroad. The Underground Railroad lead a large number of slaves to freedom.

Picture- - Routs of the Underground Railroad above

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